Constitutia din 1866 prima constitutie propriuzisa a romaniei, adoptata in timpul regelui carol i. Cu o luna inaintea venirii lui carol i, fusese aleasa adunarea legislativa, care sa transformat dupa venirea acestuia in adunare constituanta. Constitutia romaniei for ios free download and software. Constitutia din 1866 a fost revizuita in 1883, in momentul proclamarii regatului, principala modificare a fost largirea electoratului prin scaderea censului. Regele ferdinand i 19141927 reprezinta elementul cheie al vie. Detailed information about the coin 5 lei, carol i reign anniversary, romania, with pictures and collection and swap management. The constitution of 1866 represented the base of the political regime of constitutional.
Constitutia din 1923 este constitutia romaniei adoptata dupa marea unire. Decret regal pentru sanctionarea legii pentru modificarea ori abrogarea unor prevederi din constitutie. Doc constitutiile romaniei18661991 bianca iordache. Decret regal pentru sanctionarea legii revisuitore a art. The 1866 constitution of romania was the fundamental law that capped a period of. Romania by year goes in time past the invention of photography, scanners or computers. Legea fundamentala pentru republica federala germania. The constitution of romania of 1991 was amended and completed by the law no. Totodata, constitutia din 1866 a instituit principiul monarhiei straine ereditare.
Constitutia romaniei in colectia constitutiile vor aparea. Romanian state 1 romania is a sovereign, independent, unitary and indivisible national state. This category includes works, events and everything related to the history of romania in 1866. Constitutiunea din 1866 149 constitutiunea din 1923 167 constitutiunea din 1938 193 constitutia republicii populare romane 1948 2 constitutia republicii populare romane 1952 229 constitutia republicii socialiste romania 1965 249 constitutia romaniei 1991 273 constitutia romaniei 2003 307 ca lege. For faster navigation, this iframe is preloading the wikiwand page for constitu. The 1866 constitution of romania was the fundamental law that capped a period of nationbuilding in the danubian principalities, which had united in 1859. Jan 22, 2018 download download articolul 75 constitutia romaniei pdf read online read online articolul 75 constitutia romaniei pdf constitutia romaniei republicata 2017 constitutia romaniei pdf 2017 constitutia romaniei wikipedia constitutia romaniei republicata constitutia romaniei referendum legile romaniei constitutia romaniei 1991 constitutia romaniei 1866 lp957xiii din 19. Ex codul fiscal, codul muncii, codul penal, lege nr. Constitutia din 1923 reproduce cea mai mare parte a textului celei din 1866. Drafted in a short time and closely modeled on the 1831 constitution of belgium, then considered europes most liberal, it was substantially modified by prince later king carol and adopted by the constituent assembly.
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